Introduction. Main development directions of Ukrainian domestic tourism are disclosed and the role of small form of entity in a village in the promotion of this development is determined. The controversial approaches’ nature of ensuring of the external and internal directions’ functioning of the tourist activity is noted. It is noted that a domestic tourism has developed considerably slower, especially in recreational aspect. At the same time, the state redirected the question of meeting the relevant needs of the overwhelming majority population onto enterprises and institutions in which the respective citizens worked. It was determined that the additional factor that negatively influenced on the condition of domestic tourism functioning was the unsatisfying level of infrastructure maintenance (hotels, transport, communications, service providers, etc.). The attention is paid on the fact that until now the real data about a necessity in specialists of the green tourism sphere and the middle class’ presence in a village, as potential subjects of domestic tourism, are not published. It is assumed that representatives of small and medium-sized businesses should become the basis of regional tourism development.
Purpose. Clarify the place of small farms in promoting the spread of domestic tourism in rural areas. The essence and role of the middle class as the basis of domestic tourism in Ukraine are substantiated.
Results. The current condition of the domestic tourism development in Ukraine is characterized by the special importance of middle class formation which is based on small forms of entity which in the domestic legal field scientific and statistical literature are defined as personal farms, households, small farms etc. The provision of the development of small forms of activity in the system of agrarian formations is an important component in domestic agrarian sector effective functioning as a part of the national economic system. In turn, it causes the necessity to analyze the domestic tourism’s peculiarities, the usage of an available potential of the middle class, as well as the results of economic activity of the representatives of this agroproducers' group.
Originality. According to the research’s results, the differentiated nature of the small forms of activity functioning, their role in ensuring of the middle class’ formation and the domestic tourism development in Ukraine are substantiated. It is proved that in the long run it seems possible only a dual solution of this problem: on the one hand, the consequent orientation on market relations to ensure the development of domestic tourism, on the other hand, a life quality improvement and a social infrastructure development in rural areas, which will preserve it as the basis of a vital activity and employment. Further research is required to publish real data about the necessity in specialists in the field of green tourism, as well as to improve the current methodology for determining the necessity of a staff for hotels and resorts, taking into account the nature of their activities.
Conclusion. In our opinion, the strategy of effective development of tourism in the system of coastal regions of the Steppe zone of Ukraine should be based on the principles of the sustainable development concept of society, ensuring the development of rural areas as an infrastructure and resource base of this process. The specifics of the organization of the tourism business, a wide range of services determine its diverse and diversified nature, which, in turn, will increase employment of the local population and slow down depopulation in rural areas. An integral part of the competitive operation of tourist facilities is a scientifically sound organization of economic activity, adequate assessment of available resource potential, efficiency of its use, as well as planning prospects for further development. Under these conditions, it is especially important to ensure effective cooperation of tourism business representatives with regional research and training centers.
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