Introduction. Today, quite a number of researchers of integration processes pay attention to the fact that they are closely related to such a phenomenon as the concentration of resources. As concentration (as well as integration) is a multi-level phenomenon, it can affect individual enterprises, companies and organizations (micro level), individual industries and sectoral markets, including commodity, financial, labor markets (meso level), regions, national economies and their territories. (macro level), the world economy (megalevel). In this regard, the processes of concentration in modern scientific publications are studied and analyzed at almost all levels of the economic system.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the methods of determining and assessing the concentration of resources of territories in the development of integration processes.
Results. The results of the study are to determine the feasibility of using the market concentration index and the Herfindahl-Hirschman index to assess the concentration of regional resources and develop ways to address their shortcomings. The market concentration index is one of the simplest and one of the first indicators, which began to be used by economists to analyze market structures. No wonder this indicator deserves to be actively used to assess the concentration and concentration of regional resources. In turn, the Herfindahl-Hirschman index occupies the position of the main characteristic (market structure, market concentration), which is widely used by governments around the world in the practice of antitrust regulation of the United States, Europe and other countries.
Originality. The originality of the article lies in the proposal to eliminate the shortcomings of indicators to assess the concentration of regional resources, which previously scientists have not done. Comparing the possibilities of using the two considered indices to assess the concentration and concentration of regional resources, it is necessary to take into account the following features: the disadvantage of the market concentration index is its "insensitivity" to different options for distribution of shares between regions; the number of market participants (number of regions) for which it is necessary to calculate to get the most accurate result remains uncertain; the use of this indicator requires additional comparisons of different options for its calculation. As for the Herfindahl-Hirschman index, it allows you to neutralize the shortcomings of other indicators and get more reliable results; takes into account the share of each of the market participants; its disadvantage is that when calculating the squares of market shares, more weight is given to the indicators of larger regions, and less - respectively, smaller.
Conclusion. Thus, the outlined provisions and generalized theoretical and methodological approaches require their practical implementation in modern conditions of solving the problems of regional studies of Ukraine. In particular, this focuses on the use of the market concentration index and the Herfindahl-Hirschman index to assess the concentration of regional resources. The identified shortcomings of these indicators should be eliminated by using the proposed methods to eliminate them. Further research should focus on the application of these methods and indicators to assess the processes of concentration, the level of concentration of resources of the regions of Ukraine.
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