Multiple aspects of the notion “intellectual security of the state”


I.O. Revak


The essence of the intellectual security of the state as a separate component of economic security from viewpoint of legal, information-analytical, organizational, institutional, financial and social aspects is grounded in the article. It is highlighted that the legal aspects of intellectual security of the state reflect the ability of the state within the legal framework to challenge threats in the intellectual sphere and ensure a safe environment for growing intellectual capacity. From viewpoint of information-analytical aspects the intellectual security is revealed as an ability of security guarantees to monitor potential threats, analyze the degree of their danger and develop effective countermeasures. It is noted that from the standpoint of organizational aspects the intellectual security of the state represents a wide range of administrative measures aimed at protecting security objects and/or challenge threats. It is proved that the intellectual security in the institutional aspect presents a balanced relationship between security guarantees at different management levels as far as willingness and ability of state institutions through appropriate mechanisms to counteract the real and potential threats. It is emphasized that the financial aspect of intellectual security of Ukraine characterizes the financial capacity of the state to challenge threats. The social aspect of intellectual security of Ukraine is associated with the developing of appropriate conditions for social protection of highly qualified personnel turning them into a productive force of society able to implement intellectual breakthrough.




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