Current issues of loaning company’s financial and business activity


M. Rosoha
G. Voitenko


The article discloses the historical preconditions of the origin of loans and transformation of their functions. The main functions of a loan are as follows: redistributive and replacement of cash by loan transactions. Other features of a loan have been outlined, in particular accumulating function, the function of the formation of additional purchasing power, function of accumulating free money (savings of individuals and legal entities), the function of accelerating the concentration and centralization of capital, the increase of money circulation and its relationship to the level of economic development. The process of getting a loan has been described. The characteristic features of credit relations have been outlined. Forms of credit have been disclosed as well as their dependence on the related credit resources and rising inflation has been shown. Attention is paid to the transformation of the functions of credit in terms of growth of the shadow economy and the impact of commercial banks with foreign capital on domestic economy during the economic crisis.

Current issues of loaning company’s financial and economic activity have been outlined which appeared as a result of the development of the national economy, the state and expectations of inflation, the procedure for obtaining loans. The main problem of domestic crediting is the distrust of the population to commercial banks, high cost of credit resources and the mixed impact of commercial banks with foreign capital on the banking system of Ukraine and the domestic economy.




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