Profits of commercial banks


N. Sidor
S. Fetko


Profit is one of the most important indicators of the efficiency of the bank and its stability. Formation and use of the profits of commercial banks are aimed at their effective allocation. In case there is shortage or surplus of profit it evidences of ineffective management of commercial bank. The balance of indicators of profit allocation in domestic commercial banks depends on the effective bank management, in particular: liquidity and profitability management; improvement of the level of capitalization; effective management of assets and liabilities; staff reduction; effective functioning of organizational units; goodwill; stress testing; reorganization of insolvent banks; benchmarking and outsourcing. The choice of effective methods for leveling the negative impact of external factors on the activity of commercial banks determines sound decision-making aimed at improving profit allocation.

Integration of the banking system of Ukraine calls for the use of international experience in terms of introducing information technology into the activity of commercial banks, provide global bank services, the use of international payment systems, follow Basel Committee requirements, ensure transparency of the performance of commercial banks.




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