
Valerii ILIN
Vladyslav LESYUK


The article summarizes the theoretical aspects of the concept of "megatrend". The concept is considered of “megatrend” from different perspectives. As a result, the megatrend can be understood as a dynamic development of the world economy, encompassing all subjects of the global economic space, which are manifested over a long time and are projected into the future. The confectionery industry is one of the most developed food industry in Ukraine. The dynamics of net sales and the number of plants of Ukrainian and world confectionery companies is analyzed. Megatrends affecting the confectionery industry in Ukraine are analyzed in their global importance and have global vertical and horizontal branches, accordingly offering new options for opportunities for Ukrainian companies. The factors determining the emergence of megatrends in the world economy have been determined. The tasks of companies influenced by megatrends have been identified. Confectionery companies need to monitor and take into account megatrends in solving these tasks. It is important to build an effective system of relationships to use the existing potential and ensure the development of the company in the direction of the megatrend, since this can be a source of competitive advantage and create conditions for overcoming threats to the environment. The factors that must be taken into account in the application and implementation of megatrends in the confectionery industry in Ukraine are highlighted. The megatrends influencing the Ukrainian confectionery manufacturers have been identified.




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