Introduction. The connection of financial and economic spheres in a high-risk environment of domestic industry allows us to talk about the problems of financial and economic security both in terms of public administration and in the functioning of economic structures. Traditional types of risks, the impact of which changes the effectiveness and efficiency of business structures, have long been studied within the classical approaches to risk management, while the risks caused by the spread of Industry 4.0 trends are still poorly amenable to management, control, minimization, which indicates the need to review and optimize the processes of formation and operation of economic security systems of industrial enterprises. Building a comprehensive system of financial and economic security of the enterprise is a long process, and its implementation requires resources, which encourages the search for evidence necessary to justify its need for company management.
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to establish the peculiarities of the formation and functioning of financial and economic security systems of Ukrainian industrial enterprises in the context of the spread of Industry 4.0.
Methods. In the course of research the monographic method and a method of the theoretical analysis are used. Methods of analysis and synthesis are also used. The method of generalization was used in the process of forming conclusions based on the results of the study.
Results. The article examines the peculiarities of the formation and functioning of the system of financial and economic security at modern Ukrainian industrial enterprises, taking into account the risks of Industry 4.0. The characteristic of the structural and logical scheme of construction and functioning of the system of financial and economic security of the enterprise is given. The mechanism of ensuring financial and economic security of the enterprise is described. The features of strategic management of the system of financial and economic security of industrial enterprises are established.
Originality. Financial and economic security of an industrial enterprise is a state of functioning of mechanisms for counteracting the negative impact of threats and risks of financial and economic nature on the results of its production and economic processes, which minimizes their destructive consequences for financial and economic interests of the enterprise and guarantees its ability to operate continuously. Industry 4.0 as the newest form of organization of industrial relations, has become a source for the emergence of new risks, threats and challenges for industrial enterprises. In particular, the low level of information and digital literacy of employees, digitalization of production processes, the rapid increase in information resources of different quality levels, the need for management decisions in time constraints, rising costs for innovative restructuring of production technologies, high obsolescence of equipment - all noted facts and should become catalysts for finding ways to form an effective system of financial and economic security in domestic enterprises and develop mechanisms for effective management in the strategic and tactical areas. In terms of Industry 4.0, the tasks of the economic security system include ensuring the protection of automated and digital processes, developing a mechanism to prevent cyberattacks, developing standards of security behavior with information resources of the enterprise, control of impersonal communication with stakeholders, security of digital financial settlements.
Conclusion. The complex approach to formation and functioning of system of financial and economic security of the enterprise which should include the purpose, tasks, principles of functioning, objects and subjects, strategy and the mechanism of system strategic management of financial and economic safety of the industrial enterprises at their integration to Industry 4.0 is investigated.
The purpose of the financial and economic security of the entity is the timely detection and prevention of external and internal dangers and threats, ensuring the integrity of corporate resources and achieving financial and economic interests of the enterprise, the implementation of its planned business goals in the short and strategic perspectives. With the spread of Industry 4.0, the problem of an integrated approach to economic and financial security is critical to building an effective management system of financial and economic security of the enterprise and maintaining its functional state at a high level. This will help prevent the loss of financial stability, solvency, competitiveness of the industrial enterprise and allow it to gain important market advantages, including the ability to develop and adapt to changing conditions of a risky economic environment.
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