Introduction. Existing concepts for determining the efficiency of production resource and cost are based on assessing the efficiency of use in the process of reproduction of the set of production resources and the share of resources consumed in the production process. The disadvantage of these concepts is that the partial efficiency indicators are determined by the ratio of the total effect and the size of individual types of production resources, abstracting from the influence of other resources involved in the formation of the overall result. This is illegal, because the overall result is a consequence of the combined impact of production resources.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to study of environmental imperative, human factor imperative and priority of economic evaluation in the energy efficiency management system of production.
Results. The economic category "energy efficiency" is comprehensively considered, which reflects the production relations in relation to the rational use of energy resources for the production of products (works, services). Classified results of energy use in production by results; according to the assessment; on the basis of characterizing the direction of the consequences; by term of manifestation; by scope of consequences. Functional efficiency is defined as an alternative to economic efficiency. It is proved that the production process is effective in the case when the energy equivalent of the useful result obtained from the distribution of energy flows exceeds the energy equivalent of the costs of the distribution processes.
Originality. The criterion of energy efficiency is defined as the minimization of the level of energy consumption in final consumption per unit of output. The most general criterion of energy consumption is the replacement of living labor (human energy) by materialized labor (in particular, energy obtained as a result of energy utilization by energy means). Generalized partial criteria for the efficient use of energy resources for the production of a particular type of product and the implementation of production processes, subject to the subordination and consistency of these criteria. The method of determining the potential and actual energy efficiency of production and delimited levels of energy efficiency - minimum, average, maximum, and the energy effect is defined as positive results in the form of reducing specific energy costs for production, which is actual, previous and expected.
Conclusion. The method of determining the efficiency of energy saving as a measure of achieving the goal of energy saving, which is determined by the ratio of the magnitude of the effect to the costs that caused it. It is proved that the efficiency of energy saving in its content is a socio-economic category because the socio-economic efficiency of energy consumption is a set of achieved final social results, in particular, the improvement of the environmental situation. It is proved that the highest energy efficiency is achieved with the optimal combination of values of the factors that determine it, provided that the deterioration of working conditions (the imperative of the human factor); complication of the ecological situation (ecological imperative); reduction of economic efficiency (priority of economic evaluation). Substantiated methods of energy efficiency accounting and principles of objective assessment of energy efficiency of production.
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