


Introduction. It is investigated the theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of an inclusive model of development of the agrarian economy, which is carried out on an innovative basis.  It was also revealed role of institutes in these processes . The need to move to a more balanced institutional model of development was substantiated, as an capable of eliminating existing contradictions and ensuring the best access to resources, their fair distribution among all subjects  of the agrarian socio-economic process.

The purpose of the article. On the basis of modern domestic and foreign concepts to theoretically substantiate and propose an inclusive institutional model of innovative socio-economic development of the agricultural economy.

Results. There is formulated a conceptual and categorical apparatus of research of inclusive institutional development of agrarian economy . There are shown differences between the concepts of "inclusion", "inclusive growth", "inclusive development", "inclusive local development" . According to the analysis, the socio-economic efficiency of the agrarian economy depends on the institutional rules under which it operates. It is substantiated that institutions should be inclusive, in other words, stimulate agribusiness, local people, self-government bodies to economic resources and to use them economically. It is proved that the effectiveness of inclusive development of agrarian rural sphere can only be achieved if there is a constructive consensus between the state, large agricultural producers, small businesses, local territorial communities, educational and research institutions and consumers.

Originality. There were analyzed relationships between the main subjects of inclusive agrarian entrepreneurship . Their mechanism is revealed as a complex of synergistically related institutions: political, legal, financial-economic, organizational-managerial, socio-cultural, which are depicted through an institutional model. It is emphasized that the basic institute of the political system and the determinative factor for the development of inclusive innovative agrarian entrepreneurship is the institute of the state. There was evaluated the  level of regulatory support for the inclusive development of the agricultural sector . Attention is paid to the fact that land and land relations legislation is incomplete and controversial.

Conclusion. It is noted that the institute of local self-government is under-researched and hardly tested in practice. In this connection, a number of issues that require theoretical and practical justification and resolution are highlighted, primarily the study of inclusive entrepreneurship carried out within local territorial communities. Understanding decentralization processes has made it possible to consider inclusive entrepreneurship as a public-private partnership process involving all businesses, local governments, consumers and the state.

The crucial importance of improving the governance of the united territorial communities is substantiated. Issues that hinder the inclusive development of agribusiness and rural areas are highlighted: the mentality of the population, the inertia of thinking, caution, excessive reinsurance in thoughts and actions, not a tendency to organize self-sufficient forms of life support.




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