Introduction Ukraine has chosen the path of market reforms and is trying to move towards European integration, aiming at the harmonious economic and social development of its territories, studying the experience of developed countries. Western theory and practice show that green tourism should now be seen as a significant lever to accelerate the economic development of rural areas, which gives a significant impetus to the economic growth of the country and increase its competitiveness. This approach is relevant for Ukraine, where the development of rural areas in most regions has become depressed.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to deepen the scientific and methodological aspects of the study of green tourism and develop proposals to increase its role in the economic development of rural areas.
Results. The article reveals the essence of green (rural) tourism. It is determined that from the standpoint of economics "green (rural) tourism" can be characterized as a kind of entrepreneurship, which assumes that the owners of private estates provide tourists with services related to accommodation and food, as well as recreation opportunities, acquaintance with nature, historical places, life and work of the villager for a fee, which becomes income for the owners of the estate. It is substantiated that Ukraine has the necessary positive preconditions and factors for the rapid development of green (rural) tourism, but lags behind the EU countries in the quality of services. The reasons for this situation were clarified by conducting a SWOT analysis of the peculiarities of green tourism development in Ukraine in the context of economic development of rural areas. The influence of positive and negative factors on green tourism in the context of economic development of rural areas is revealed. Emphasis is placed on the need for a state systemic approach to strengthen the existing advantages, strengths in the development of green tourism in Ukraine, the implementation of promising opportunities and at the same time reduce the impact of negative factors and threats. The development of rural green tourism in Ukraine can give a significant impetus to the preservation and economic growth of the Ukrainian countryside through the creation of additional jobs in rural areas, reducing social tensions in the local labor market, additional funds in households, village, region (country). It is proposed to introduce such a systematic approach on the basis of the development of the State Strategy for Rural Development, which would aim to accelerate their economic development through the formation of a special economic mechanism. The priority condition for further successful development of green tourism in Ukraine is substantiated. The role of green tourism as a significant lever in the mechanism of accelerated economic development of rural areas is determined.
Originality. A scheme illustrating the role of green tourism as a structural component of the mechanism of economic development of rural areas has been developed. With the help of the author's scheme it is substantiated for the first time that green tourism can become an important lever in the structure of such economic mechanism, which needs support at the present stage, but over time can become a source of economic benefits, social, environmental and cultural benefits. This opens up new interesting opportunities of economic and cultural content: development of local production, consumer market, services market, accelerated construction of local highways, Internet connection, better preservation of historical and cultural monuments, expansion of values and worldviews of rural areas, mastering other languages and cultures in the process of communicating with tourists, exchanging cultural values, new technologies.
Conclusion. A scheme illustrating the role of green tourism as a structural component of the mechanism of economic development of rural areas has been developed. With the help of the author's scheme it is substantiated for the first time that green tourism can become an important lever in the structure of such economic mechanism, which needs support at the present stage, but over time can become a source of economic benefits, social , environmental and cultural benefits. This opens up new interesting opportunities of economic and cultural content: development of local production, consumer market, services market, accelerated construction of local highways, Internet connection, better preservation of historical and cultural monuments, expansion of values and worldviews of rural areas , mastering other languages and cultures in the process of communicating with tourists, exchanging cultural values, new technologies.
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