


Introduction. One of the industries that can form the basis for the formation of «growth points» in the economy and promote the diffusion of innovation is biotechnology. The use of biotechnology helps to solve economic problems: overcoming the shortage of resources, solving energy problems through the development of bioenergy, waste processing, improving the quality of food for humans, animal feed and biomass for industrial use, creating highly effective drugs and more. At the same time, the innovative activity of enterprises in the field of biotechnology is associated with high commercial risks: the need for significant financial investments and basic technologies, long payback period, imperfect legal framework, complex commercialization mechanisms, the need to address intellectual property rights. Therefore, the country must create conditions for the development of biotechnology, and the state must play a key guiding role in this process.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to determine the conditions for intensifying the development of biotechnology within national models.

Results. The article considers the conditions for intensifying the development of biotechnology in the country. The study of foreign experience in the development of biotechnology allows to form a national model of biotechnology, taking into account available resources and positive experience in developing effective mechanisms of state support for relevant industries. Opportunities for the development of biotechnology exist not only in developed countries, but also in developing countries. By forming «growth points», priorities in the development of biotechnology and creating favorable conditions for the development of research and commercialization in this area, each state can strengthen its competitive position in this market. Mechanisms of adaptation of effective methods of management of development of biotechnologies from experience of the developed countries and the developing countries for the Ukrainian innovative policy in the field of biotechnologies are proved.

Originality. The definition of the national model of biotechnology development as a system of organization of economic relations taking into account historical features, level of economic development, scientific and technological, social, ecological and cultural features is formulated. Models of development of the biotechnological sector are classified into three groups: model of sustainable development, conservative model, model of catching up development.

Conclusion. Biotechnology is a high-risk industry that requires significant investment, although if successful, it can bring significant commercial success. Therefore, the role of the state should be significant in terms of direct and indirect support for this innovative business. The choice of biotechnology development model depends on the available resource potential and the level of available technologies, the level of production development, infrastructure and institutional environment. Prospects for further research are related to the formation of mechanisms for government incentives for biotechnology within national models. Under the condition of activation of factors-stimulators of development, a favorable environment for the development of biotechnologies is created. However, if there are disincentives in the economy, they can be a barrier to the development of biotechnology, even with significant public funding for biotechnology. The choice of regulatory tools in a country depends on the resource potential, development priorities, the level of infrastructure development, the innovative potential of the business.




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