


Introduction. With the development of international standards of trade there is a need for quality logistics services. Modern business requirements and ever-increasing competition require a comprehensive innovative approach to optimizing the management of logistics processes in agricultural enterprises using the latest information technology. Logistics innovations are theoretically based on four logistics concepts, which are the starting point for the development of flexible logistics models of different areas of production and economic activity. Management of logistics activities of agricultural enterprises requires systematic monitoring of existing and introduction of new innovative information technologies, as logistics must work for the needs of consumers, which constantly require improving the quality and speed of delivery, taking into account the intensive development of technology.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is research of innovative information technologies of management of logistic processes and substantiation of their optimization of practical use in the agricultural enterprises.

Results. Effective management of logistics processes in agricultural enterprises is not possible without the process of reengineering based on the introduction of the latest technologies of information support of this activity. It is substantiated that for agricultural enterprises it is expedient to apply such mechanisms of planning and management of material flows as use of logistic concepts, use of foreign experience, qualitative management of customer service, management of distribution of production with involvement of intermediaries, timely planning of requirements for raw materials, qualitative planning and optimization of production. processes, integrated material flow management, management of efficient use of places of realization of orders, management of quantitative and time parameters of production, automation of system of logistic management of researches, designing, production and operation of high-tech production.

Originality. It is established that the key to the success of farm customer logistics management today is the adoption of CRM philosophy, which involves changes in the enterprise through the adoption of customer relationship logistics strategy, restructuring of supply and marketing strategy, changing business processes and corporate culture and through implementation CRM systems. The main categories of effects from CRM implementation are identified: the emergence of new, more loyal and retention of existing customers, improving the company's position, increasing the loyalty of the most profitable customers, accelerating market entry of new agricultural products, providing synergies in maintaining customer contacts. A project analysis to determine the effectiveness of the CRM-system project in an agricultural enterprise, which reduces the turnover of working capital, reduce illiquid inventories and spare parts costs, improve the quality of sales service and increase efficiency in accounting and reduce receivables, which affects the overall cost reduction of up to 20% of annual turnover.

Conclusion. Effective management of logistics processes in agricultural enterprises is not possible without the introduction of new technologies for information support of this activity. The key to the success of customer relationship logistics management today is the adoption of the CRM philosophy. It involves changes in the enterprise in five main areas: the adoption of a logistics strategy for customer relationships; restructuring of the supply and marketing strategy of the economy; change of business processes; change of corporate culture; introduction of a logistics CRM system. The practical implementation of innovations in logistics is becoming a powerful tool to increase the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises, as new technologies make it possible to streamline the logistics system of the enterprise, which improves efficiency. The use of modern information technologies allows to increase the efficiency of cargo delivery due to the possibility of quick access to information about the subjects and objects of delivery.




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