Introduction. For the first time in many years the civilized world has faced so many restrictions on freedoms: the closure of international and domestic borders, a state of emergency, and a ban on urban movement are a non-exhaustive list of measures taken to stop the further spread of COVID-19. Without being able to predict, one should prepare, in particular, economically for such a level, scale and depth of problems, and in this article we will focus on the mechanisms that can and should be used.
Purpose. The purpose of this article is to improve the concept of resource allocation as an economic means to increase the capacity of the health care system during medical emergencies.
Results. Hospital space, staff and consumables are economic resources (including material and rehabilitation), which are directly related to the fight and overcoming of COVID-19. Capital and labor have a clear value in monetary terms: in the first case for a hospital or other health care facility, it will be represented by the value of assets (buildings, equipment, consumables, etc.), and in the second - the amount of staff salaries.
When it comes to limited resources and the transition of the hospital to one of the modes of operation of the appropriate level of capacity, should take into account not only the limited number of resources available in the hospital, but also the possibility of increasing this level at the appropriate time. It is clear that the profile and scope of activities of the health care institution does not provide for the production of consumables, which are key in the fight against diseases and treatment of patients, so their increase and increase in staff and space also requires financial resources to it is possible and necessary to solve the problem of limited resources that are directly involved in realizing the potential of hospitals.
Therefore, by increasing funding and purchasing the necessary resources in the relevant market, the problem should be solved. Moreover, in today's globalized world, it is not a problem to increase the volume of each of these hospital resources for a corresponding price, albeit increased as a result of increased demand. This can be done in a relatively short period of time. At the same time, as folk wisdom says, if the problem can be solved with money, then it is not a problem, but a cost.
Initiating the purchase of equipment or other materials will cause demand for them and, accordingly, supply in the market, provided a balanced policy, physical and organizational access to markets. Company managers, footballers are invited to work for other companies or teams for a correspondingly increased salary. Similarly, in the labor market you can find medical staff, which in times of medical surges can be hired to work in relevant hospitals. The purchase of tents or containers for the proper organization of patients' access to hospitals should not be an obstacle at all, as there are no restrictions on the import or manufacture of such goods in the country, which, in addition to increasing hospital capacity, will also provide additional employment and business. This will increase the capacity of hospitals, when even the surge will be within the capabilities of the health care system. However, it is not necessary to purchase fixed assets or hire staff now and forever to increase the capacity of the hospital at the right time. It is necessary to use economic and legal mechanisms of temporary attraction of resources: rent, leasing, fixed-term contracts, etc.
Originality. This article contributes to improve the concept of resource allocation as an economic means to increase the capacity of the health care system during medical emergencies. Initiating the purchase of equipment or other materials will cause demand for them and, accordingly, supply in the market, provided a balanced policy, physical and organizational access to markets.
Conclusion. The appropriate level of treatment during periods of increasing workload in the health care system or a particular hospital is ensured either by changing the organization of the system and the principles of use of resources such as space, staff and consumables or their redistribution, or by financial resources such resources are increased or replenished.
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