
Nataliia BABINA


The article is devoted to the issue of personnel security management of the enterprise. The article using a monographic method of scientific research provides a brief analysis of publications on personnel security of the entity, identifies the subjects of personnel security management, their purpose, role and functional tasks in ensuring the personnel security of the enterprise, considers the basic principles and approaches to formation and ensuring personnel security in the economic security system of the enterprise.

The purpose of the article is theoretical justification and determine methods of ensuring personnel security of the enterprise, based on improving the personnel policy of the business entity, as well as outlining the problem of personnel security management in modern economic realities and in conditions of necessity of maintenance of financial and economic safety of the enterprise.

Conclusion. In the course of the research the analysis of definitions was carried out: "personnel security", "economic security", "personnel risks". From the objective and functional point of view, the term "corporate security of the enterprise" is characterized by the state of protection of vital interests of the company from various threats, which guarantees the effective use of corporate resources to ensure the company's activities and its dynamic development. Based on the study, the definition of personnel threats was derived. It is revealed that there are two types of personnel threats: external and internal, and on their basis the main factors influencing the provision of personnel security in the system of financial and economic security of the enterprise are considered. The most important factor in the successful operation of the enterprise is the selection of high quality and reliable staff.




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