
Oksana ISAI
Vladyslav LESIUK


Introduction. One of the topical issues for enterprise managers is the formation of an organizational and economic mechanism that would be able to ensure the efficiency of management and the competitiveness of the enterprise. The management mechanism is considered as an integral part of the entire management system, provides an effective impact on the factors and state that determine the result of the control object. Moreover, with regard to the internal factors of enterprise management, the concept of "enterprise management mechanism" should be used, since the nature of the internal factors of enterprise management is diverse and certain types of management mechanisms must be different.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to study the main theoretical aspects of the formation of an organizational and economic mechanism for managing the potential of a competitive enterprise.

Results. Generalized theoretical aspects of the organizational and economic mechanism of enterprise potential management. Organizational and economic mechanisms of enterprise management include the following main functional subsystems: planning, organization, motivation, control and regulation. The concept of "competitiveness" and its connection with the organizational and economic mechanism of enterprise potential management have been investigated. Assessment of competitiveness plays a decisive role in determining the level of functioning and development prospects of an enterprise. The need to study the most rational way of constructing feedback in the organizational and economic mechanism of managing the competitiveness of an enterprise for its effective functioning and development has been determined. The author's algorithm for managing the competitiveness of enterprises based on the process approach is proposed. The individual stages of the formation of an organizational and economic mechanism for managing the potential of a competitive enterprise are identified and considered.

Originality. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development of theoretical provisions and scientific and practical recommendations for the formation of an organizational and economic mechanism for managing the potential of a competitive enterprise.

Conclusion. The organizational and economic mechanism of enterprise management is a set of organizational and economic levers that affect the economic and organizational parameters of the management system, contribute to the formation and strengthening of the organizational and economic potential, gaining competitive advantages and the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole. The presented approach to assessing and developing competitiveness by solving both tasks and problems of an enterprise allows us to form an organizational and economic mechanism for managing potential. Correctly organized economic work at the enterprise will contribute to its financial stability in a competitive environment. The sequence presented in the stages is versatile, therefore, it allows you to deeply and comprehensively explore and implement changes in the enterprise to increase its competitiveness.




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