Introduction. In the context of deepening of the theoretical bases of motivation of professional development of personnel it is suggested to treat the essence of the concept "Professional Development of Personnel of the Enterprise", applying the dual approach: a) at the level of the enterprise – as the complex of actions providing continuous updating of professional knowledge and skills of personnel, its adaptation to the increasing professional requirements, interest in professional growth for the benefit of activization of innovative activity and improving competitiveness of the enterprise; b) at the level of personnel – as the process of continuous development of professional competence on the basis of mix of self-development, professional training at the enterprise and increase in self-motivation to carry out the innovative purposes of the enterprise.
One of the important components of a high quality of working life is the creation of favorable conditions for the continuous professional development of enterprise personnel in the process of work. Ukraine today lags behind developed countries in many indicators of the quality of working life, in particular in terms of the volume and quality of professional staff training. At the same time, the motivation of workers for constant professional development is reduced due to extremely low incomes, poor social protection, technical and technological backwardness of jobs.
Purpose. The purpose of the scientific article is to develop and substantiate a model of the motivational mechanism of professional development of workers in the context of improving the quality of working life.
Results. The essence of professional development and its motivational factors, among which the quality of working life plays an important role have been revealed. Professional development is proposed to be understood as the process of continuous development of professional competence of employees based on the combination of self-development with professional training at the enterprise, increasing self-motivation for the implementation of innovative goals of the enterprise. Based on the generalization of scientific views, it is proposed to understand the motivation of professional development of personnel as a set of internal and external driving forces (motivators) that affect workers, forming an interest in constant professional self-improvement based on the renewal of professional knowledge and skills.
This made it possible to describe the mechanism of motivation of the professional development of the enterprise's personnel as a system of factors, actions and instruments of influence that encourage the personnel to acquire the required competencies in order to achieve the innovative goals of the enterprise. It is justified that the effectiveness of such a mechanism depends on a number of conditions, in particular: timely analysis of the existing and perspective needs of staff and enterprises, agreement on their satisfaction through social dialogue; conformity with needs, motives, incentives and working conditions; individual approach in motivation; adaptability to requirements of market demand of the external environment.
It has been proved that the urgent needs for improving the state of professional development of personnel at Ukrainian enterprises are impossible without an effective motivational mechanism adapted to the tasks of European integration and improvement of the quality of working life, which can influence all social partners at the macro, meso- and microeconomic levels. In this regard, it is developed a structural-functional construction of a model of a mechanism of motivation of the professional development of enterprise personnel due to the justification of the close relationship between the professional development of a person and the development of society, quality of working life. The necessity of multilevel motivational influence and use of motivation diagnostics have been proved, what allows, on the basis of the complicity of social partners, to achieve manageability in professional development, adapting the operation of the mechanism to the growing requirements of the EU regarding the formation of professional competencies of employees.
Originality. Based on the results of the research, scientific and practical recommendations are made to improve the motivational support for the professional development of workers, which provide a system of actions in the context of improving the quality of working life: positive changes in income policy, social protection; creation of safe, favourable conditions for work and professional development; strengthening the connection between wages and qualification level; involvement in state (regional) vocational training programs, etc.
The recommendations on macro and mesoeconomic levels are aimed at achieving positive effects from improving the quality of professional training of employees through various sources - state support, complicity of social partners in the costs of vocational training, strengthening interaction with educational institutions in organizing continuous professional development of personnel at work on the basis of compensation for costs associated with the educational process.
Conclusion. Thus, a model of a mechanism for motivating the professional development of enterprise personnel has been developed, a feature of which is the functioning at the macro, meso- and microeconomic levels with the participation of social partners. The construction of the model of the mechanism is based on the recognition of the need for motivational influence at various economic levels, the application of a motivation assessment, will allow to regulate and stimulate the professional development of enterprise personnel, taking into account the tasks of improving the quality of working life, and increasing the requirements for the continuous development of professional competence of workers. The implementation of this approach will gradually overcome the uneven and low level of coverage of employees of enterprises with professional development in various sectors of the Ukrainian economy.
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