Introduction. In modern conditions, the development of economic systems and achieving competitiveness in the world market can be ensured not only by stimulating innovative activity of existing businesses in traditional industries, but also by developing and developing industries in promising areas that shape the industries of the following technological modes and contribute to the growth of quantitative indicators and qualitative transformation of key elements of the economic system. Such changes allow to generate biotechnologies. At the same time, the development of biotechnologies requires the creation of mechanisms to stimulate the relevant industries and infrastructure elements that can be formed within the national model. The effectiveness of the national model of biotechnology development depends on the creation and provision of conditions for the effective functioning of the institutions of the innovation system, which allow to generate, reproduce and use scientific and technical innovations for biotechnological industries.
The purpose of the article is to identify the mechanisms of formation and development of the national system of biotechnology and to develop appropriate measures to manage the formation and development of new intersectoral structures.
Results. The essence and components of the national model of biotechnology development are revealed. The conditions for intensifying the development of biotechnology in the country and the role of the state in these processes are determined. The current trends in the development of biotechnology that will affect the development of the national model of biotechnology are identified. The mechanisms of intensification of introduction of biotechnologies in various branches of the national model of economic system are outlined.
An algorithm for the process of innovative transformation of the economic system based on the formation and dissemination of biotechnologies that can ensure the involvement of innovative methods and technologies in the traditional industry structure and contribute to the implementation of structural changes. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of applying the developed methodology for assessing the development potential of technological areas in the formation of strategic plans for the development of the economic system at the meso- and macro levels and the choice of scientific and technical priorities.
Originality. It is determined that the national model of biotechnology development is a system of organization of economic relations taking into account historical features, level of economic development, scientific and technological, social, ecological and cultural features in the country. The components of the national model of biotechnology development are determined: organizational-economic, social, ecological, managerial.
Conclusion. The national model of biotechnology development is developing under the influence of external and internal factors. The process of forming a national model of biotechnology development requires a systematic approach. Having only one or more components will not ensure the efficiency of the system.
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