Problems and prospects of strategic development of the domestic sphere of the higher education


Y.A. Zaika



Introduction. The current state of Ukrainian education system is characterized by many problems. Thus the analysis of a domestic education system will allow us to estimate a real condition and prospects of this sector development. 

Purpose. The goal of the research is justification of theory-methodical bases of regulation of educational clusters formation as the directions of competitiveness increasing the higher education system in Ukraine.

Results. The scheme of higher education sphere competitiveness investigation is offered. It is admitted, that interaction within formation of educational clusters is a basis for increasing of competitiveness of the sphere of higher education due to more effective usage of scientific, educational, production, infrastructure, personnel potential.

Originality. As the result of the conducted study and on the basis of the algorithm we made the strategic recommendations on the need to create educational clusters as an opportunity to increase the competitiveness of the higher education system in Ukraine.


Conclusion. Educational clusters in Ukraine will allow creating competitive model of development of the sphere of higher education due to optimization of all educational and organizational processes, orientation on achievement unified for all its participants’ purpose within one cluster.


Біографія автора

Y.A. Zaika, <p><span lang="UK" style="font-size: 10pt; line-height: 150%; font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif;">Kharkov University of Humanities &laquo;People's Ukrainian Academy&raquo;</span></p>

Graduate student of the Department of Economics of Enterprise



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