The experience of Turkey in creation and promotion of the tourism brand of country


I.V. Ivaniuta


Introduction. The international tourist industry is becoming an increasingly competitive. A wider range of destinations become more easily accessible to customers. In such circumstances, special attention is paid to research and application of new tools to promote the national tourist product.

The rapid development of tourism sphere was demonstrated by Turkey. This country has created its own recognizable brand as the most powerful marketing weapon.

Purpose. The primary concern of this research is to examine the features of the Turkish experience in the formation of the country's positive image, successful nation branding and promotion.

Results. It has been found that state support has a leading role in promoting the country on the international tourist market. Specially created authorities are responsible for the marketing and advertising, development of strategic plans for the tourist regions, and their branding. Financial support is also important.

The author demonstrates ways of popularization of Turkish tourism product worldwide. The structure of the target market, cultural differences, consumer needs are taken into account. There is a modular campaign that reaches different types of expectations under the same concept. They prefer promoting of colorful country in a simple way, clear to everyone. A new campaign concept, addressed the sustainable brand management, need of country to carry towards the long term aims. With the concept the idea was to use a strategic plan constantly and consistently in order to associate Turkey with a positive concept in the peoples’ minds. The importance of digital marketing has been also demonstrated.


Conclusion. A key role in promotion of the territory must belong to the authority. The brand of the country should be a reflection of the uniqueness of its history, culture, and recreation potential. Complex of marketing tools must be used for its promotion throughout the world.


Біографія автора

I.V. Ivaniuta, <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-indent: 1cm;"><span lang="UK" style="font-size: 10.0pt;">Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv</span></p>




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