Problems and prospects of small forms of entrepreneurships development in agriculture Cherkassy region


O.S. Dudnyk



Introduction. Learning problems intensify production in small forms of economic and social activity of the rural population and the search for reasonable ways to resolve them are actual problems for domestic agrarian science and practice. Recommendations should be directed to find a way out of the agrarian sector of the systemic crisis.

Purpose. The article is to determine the main directions of activization of small forms of entrepreneurships in agriculture Cherkassy region.

Methods. The study methods were used: systemic, structural and comparative analysis.

Results. The analysis of the activity of small farms at the present stage was analised and identified key factors and key methodological tools to improve the organization of production and management in them. The main ways to improve the financial condition and improve the efficiency of small farms are developed. The factors that have a positive impact on the development of small farms in the regional agribusiness are revealed. Recommendations on the organization of regional agricultural multifunctional logistics center are create. In order to improve the conditions of agricultural products, increase the profitability of small farms in agriculture justified proposals for improving the structure of cooperatives. Priorities of small enterprises, to improve the efficiency of their activities are grounded.

Originality. The basic directions of efficiency productions increase in small forms of entrepreneurships due to changes in organizational and economic, technical-technological and social factors are based.


Conclusion. The set of measures aimed at improving the conditions of small forms of entrepreneurships in regions agriculture should be aimed at enabling their optimal production and economic parameters.


Біографія автора

O.S. Dudnyk, <p><span lang="UK" style="font-size: 10pt; line-height: 150%; font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif;">National Scientific Center &laquo;Institute of Agrarian Economics&raquo;</span></p>




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