The agricultural sector of Ukraine under conditions of Eurointegration: possible acquisitions and risks


I. I. Kykyrydza



The problem – research of possible acquisitions and risks for the agricultural sector as a result of  Ukraine entering the Free Trade Area (FTA) with European Union (EU).

The goal – to argue necessity, utility and possible threats for the agricultural sector as a result of Ukraine entering the FTA with EU followed by the full membership in this association; to determine what principles, methods, means and forms should be used in order to achieve the highest possible effect from participation in the FTA without facing eventual negative consequences.

Main results of the research. Examined processes of eurointegration that would take place in Ukraine after signing of an Agreement about Association and the FTA with EU. Stated the fact that activation of eurointegration processes can become a substantial factor of the national agricultural sector development, transparent and predictable agricultural policy formation, agricultural business advancement as well as can influence the growth of production and employment in the countryside.

Scientific novelty of the research results. Reasoned possible risks in case of the Customs Union application of protective customs measures, impossibility of the State support of agricultural producers, inconsistency of the national food processing industry products in regards to norms and rules of EU.


Conclusions and propositions. Ukraine can achieve considerable results in development of the agricultural sector due to thought out and considered policy concerning realization of the Agreement about Association and the FTA with EU. This policy should necessarily be based on negotiations with EU about compensation of losses from decrease of the export to the Customs Union countries and the search of new distribution areas. 


Біографія автора

I. I. Kykyrydza, <p><span lang="UK" style="font-size: 10.0pt; line-height: 150%; font-family: 'Times New Roman','serif'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: UK; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">Cherkasy National University named after Bohdan Khmelnytsky</span></p>

Doctor of Economics, professor of economics, Innovation and International Economics Department



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