Threat management in the economic security system of business entities


V.M. Andrienko
R.V. Kobko


Introduction. Risks are an integral part of economic relations in economic mechanism of enterprise, and it largely affect the financial results of economic activities and give rise to the need to create mechanisms of management.

Purpose. The purpose and objectives of the research are to study the nature and management of threats and risks in the economic security system of business entities.

Methods. In the article methods of induction and deduction, the method of abstraction, logical and historical approach to the study of economic processes and phenomena are used.

Results. The studies of modern approaches to risk management are examinated. The main stages of threats and risks management in the business entities are counted. The basic risk management techniques and methods to reduce risk are demonstrated. The authors definition of "risk management" from the standpoint of economic security of businesses is offered.

Originality. The modern approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "risk management" are aystematized. It is established that the risk management system consists of two subsystems: control (regulator) and managed (facility management). The basic methods of risk management are described. Methods of risk reduction are concretized. The model of the relationship of the entity threats and risk of losing its financial resources is offered.

Conclusion. After some investigation among the concepts of risk management, which exists in the economic literature, the authors were invited to the very notion of "risk management" - a set of economic relations related to the identification and assessment of the degree of possible impact of threats to economic security system of the entity and application methods of neutralization.

This approach will fully investigate the impact of threats on the state of the economic security system of business entities.




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