Forms and methods of strategic actions for the management of innovative enterprise systems
Introduction. Companies that have chosen innovative or organic way to develop, over time, will create and continuously develop unique competitive advantage that is difficult for competitors to outperform due to the fact that the innovation process is a complex and long process of turning innovative ideas into a product that takes place under the influence of multiple internal and external factors that at any given time can stimulate or inhibit the development of innovative enterprises.
Purpose is to study the forms and methods of strategic management effect on innovative company systems.
Methods. Analytical method, organizing, graphical method, generalization.
Results. The concept of reflecting the fundamentally new content of the strategic management of the enterprise, long-term quality determined by the target direction of its development, which covers, generally, all spheres of activity: the scale of the set goals, the way to achieve economic growth, level of economic growth, the level of alternative implementation, the selection process of the innovation strategy, the basic tools of achievement of competitive advantages.
Originality. The author systematized organizational forms of financing innovation, accepted the world practice. It was found out that there is a need to create information space to ensure the relationship between science and business, allowing to transform quickly the knowledge and inventions into technologies and products. It was found out that the effective organization of strategic management is the basis of modern companies survival in a constantly changing internal and external environment factors. Operational management is significantly differ from strategic management, which has its own peculiar methodology, specific methodological tools specific models, techniques and management skills. Effective strategic analysis allows to identify the current and potential changes in the competitive environment of the enterprise, to optimize business process activities, to develop specific goals, flexible strategies and rational operational plans to implement the strategy of the company.
Conclusion. Сurrently the innovation management improving for most businesses is an important tool of supporting their activity in the reclaimed areas and the way of expansion into new directions. The great importance to improve innovation has integrated use of the new concepts of management. The main ones are: the creation of an atmosphere, enabling search and innovations; the focus of all innovation activities to the needs of the consumer; determining the priorities of innovation, based on the goals and objectives of the company; reducing the number of management levels in order to accelerate the process of "research - production - sales"; the maximum reduction of the terms of development and innovation, the work organization not for the "relay" principle, and based on innovative solutions simultaneous parallel tasks.
Thus, the choice of innovation strategy at the regional level or entity level organizes their activities in innovation and development and can more successfully address many issues related to their sustainable development, increase production efficiency and competitiveness.
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підпис П.І.Б. автора
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