Ukraine shadow economy and ways of its deshadowing


V. K. Vasenko


Introduction. Weak governance and entities control facilitates separation of economic space to the official and shadow segment. Separation of economic area state to the official (socio-positive) and informal (social-negative) segment is based on the quality of economic management on the part of state power and control: the higher the quality of management means the lower level of the shadow economy and vice versa.

Purpose. The main purpose of the article is to analyze the factors that make up the shadow economy with current state of economic interests of Ukraine regarding national economy legalization.

Methods. Formal-logical, monographic and comparative methods; method of theoretical generalization.

Results. Basic factors that determine the level of shadow economy of the state and it thresholding are analysed. Structure-logicels chart of shadow economy and it classification by the nature of activity of business entities is distinguished. Suggestions in relation to againstshade of national economy are made.

Originality. The main factors and conditions that define the extraordinary growth of the "shadow economy" in the current development state are found out.

Conclusion. Economic mechanisms of legalization of economic relations in the country should be the core, backbone element of the integrated system of legalization (ISL), which is aimed not only at eliminating existing factors that contribute playback sources shadow relations, but also in reducing the weight of unproductive capital and document turnover and improvement on that basis functions and optimization of structures designed to perform these functions. Therefore, ISL should be formed in the following areas:

1. Organizational and economic mechanisms of legal support legalization by removing existing factors that cause or contribute the capital flight abroad and reproduction of the shadow economy.

2. Organizational and legal support for the formation of functional component of ISL on developing methods for optimization the overall structure of organizational and registration and licensing functions.

3. Organizational and legal support of the formation of structural optimization of public and corporate governance in line with ISL.




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