Personnel management: methodical instruments of evaluation industrial enterprises managers


V.O. Zanora


Introduction. The stability of functioning, the level of economic security and durability of industrial enterprises are defined by the efficiency of employees’ work, especially members of the management level. Evaluation of management activity as the process of obtaining information about employees, that is necessary for decision-making, is the basis of personnel management which defines the approaches and instruments of personnel management.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to review, synthesize and research the methodical instruments of industrial enterprises managers evaluation, determine the characteristics, features and capabilities of several methods and directions for their further improvement.

Methods. Theoretical generalization, logical analysis, induction are used to determine the main methods for evaluation of industrial enterprises managers; to determine scientific approach that must be used for research and study of the evaluation process of managers of industrial enterprises.

Results. It is established that the problem of evaluation of industrial enterprises managers is current and topical. It is determined methodical instruments of industrial enterprises managers’ evaluation. It is actual to periodically review the capabilities and properties of methodical instruments for managers’ evaluation in view of changing conditions in both internal and external environment of personnel management system that affect it and the need to take account of the impact.

Originality. The main methods used to evaluate industrial enterprises managers are determined. System approach is offered as an approach that may be used for research and study of the evaluation process of industrial enterprises managers. It is noted that in view of such dynamic factors as external and internal environment which affect the economic activity of industrial enterprises, it is advisable to use complex methods of evaluating management companies that include multiple methods.

Conclusion. The main methodical instruments of evaluation of industrial enterprises managers are determined. The characteristic, features and capabilities of individual evaluation methods of industrial enterprises managers are established. It is revealed that the methodical instruments need further elaboration because of expediency to the specific management of senior management representatives of industrial enterprises. The complexity of certain issues focuses on the use of systemic approach to the research and study of managers' of industrial enterprises evaluation process which is multidimensional and allows to take into account many factors that affect the system of personnel management in general and evaluation process and its methodical instruments in particular. The choice of approach and a method for evaluating managers may be based on personal experience of senior management (members of the highest management level) or the owner of the organization, based on its capabilities and features, but also on the goal, which puts the company's management at the time of evaluation.




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