Theoretical and methodological framework for designing financial institutions economic security system
Introduction. For the practices of professional participants of the financial market Ukraine is obvious the lack of proper tools to organize effective mechanisms to protect their economic security. At the application level is not possible to build a comprehensive system of economic security if theoretically not developed enough remaining principles, scripts, procedures, adherence that are necessary to effectively ensure the economic security of domestic financial institutions.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical and methodological foundations of building a system of economic security of financial institutions based on traditional approaches to the formation of its structure and taking into account the specific functioning of domestic financial intermediaries.
Methods. Formal-logical method is used to determine the basic concepts, such as the concept of a system of economic security of the financial institution; monographic and comparative methods - to systematize scientific approaches to building economic security of certain types of financial institutions; method of theoretical generalization - to create a list of elements of the system of economic security of financial institutions; ordering method - to create a list of factors influencing the formation of a system of economic security of financial institutions and the principles of its construction.
Results. It was established that the problems of economic security researchers considered in the context of banks and insurance companies, less credit unions. It was found no scientific approaches to formation of the system of economic security of professional participants of the financial market, such as financial institutions. The components of economic security system of banks, insurance companies were considered to identify a set of subsystems of economic security system, universal for all kinds of financial institutions. The theoretical and methodological foundations for the formation and functioning of the economic security system of financial institutions is laid.
Originality. A definition of a system of economic security of the financial institution is offered. It is established the list of factors that should be considered during its construction. Elements of the structure of the system of economic security of financial institutions were offered. The principles that should be guided in the formation and functioning of the economic security system of financial institutions were concretized.
Conclusion. Under the economic security system of the financial institution it is offered to understand the complex structure of interconnected subsystems, whose main task is to ensure the protection of a certain type of corporate resources agencies, both own and derived from the financial services, and which in totality through mechanism of interaction allow financial institution to achieve economic security state. It is determined the following list of sub system of economic security system of financial institutions: financial security (combining two areas - the financial security of company's own resources and financial security of client assets), intellectual and human, material, physical (power), information-analytical, technical, technological, legal, external (including market (competition) security, political security). It is determined thirteen principles of formation and functioning of the economic security system of the financial institution.
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