Use graph theory in problems of communication management
Introduction. The activities of any company or other entity to some extent depends on the relations between staff or team that established the company for a certain period of time and which can vary depending on factors of external and internal environment. This pattern of the process makes the need to put the issue of consideration of the relationship and its assessment in the terms of its impact on the enterprise performance.
Purpose. There is a need (author expresses his own opinion) in the implementation of new types of mathematical approaches and methods, for example, one of them - graph theory. So the author offered the opportunity to demonstrate its use.
Methods. Online (Internet) method of analysis, trending and graphing method, generalization.
Results.The article suggested practical application of some methods and approaches of the graph theory in problems of the communication management. The analysis of the current state of research in the field of communication management with respect to Ukrainian and English-language segment was been proved. These results were interpreted with respect to categorical apparatus of the information management based on the relevant author's theory of interpretation. The classification of types of decision-makers, in accordance with the requirements of the classifier and its compliance with existing international standards was been shown.
Originality. It was offered, practically proven and clearly the possibility of using graph theory (mathematical new region for use in the economy, particularly in information management) to a specific area - information management.
Conclusion. The analysis of the relevance of studies in the chosen field proved that the relevance of research in Ukrainian field has a negative trend, unlike the English-speaking areas, moreover the power (as a ratio of average values) of research projects in the English field more than 34 times of the volume of research in Ukrainian field.
These results were interpreted in relation to categorical information management system, on the base on the appropriate interpretation of the author's theory.
Further use of the offered approach is entirely dependent on the willingness of respected researchers in the chosen field.
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