Risk management in projects


V.Yu. Kotetunov


Introduction. In the financial crisis, the deteriorating macroeconomic situation in the country, the negative trends in the economy and enterprises respectively and increased competition there is an urgent need to consider the risks that may arise in the course of business. And hence there is a need not only to consider the risks and risk management and in the implementation of projects. What is more difficult and uncertain environment, the harder it is and the methods of control, the more relevant is the question of risk management in projects.

Purpose. There identifying the main risks that occur in organizations and enterprises and methods of management.

Methods of research is a systematic approach, method of analysis and synthesis (comparison, analogy, abstraction, formalization, classification decomposition) method hypotheses, structural analysis, including graphic, mathematical, cognitive method definitions.

Results. There is risk management processes in projects that the resulting re-engineering of certain risk management processes.

Originality. Is to develop theoretical foundations and instrumental methodologies for risk management in projects, which improves the efficiency of project management by reducing risk in projects.

Conclusion. The purpose of risk management to maximize their positive impact and thus minimize the associated negative factors. Effective identification process and risk management helps achieve a reasonable compromise between these risks and new opportunities.




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