Theory of economic security of the state


A.V. Kurylina


Introduction. Basically, the issues of economic security are considered at the macroeconomic level. Attention focuses on the segment, sectoral approach in the study of the problem, which in turn makes it impossible for economies of European countries to fully prepare for the existing threats. In this connection, there is a need for further study of the issue especially in the context of macroeconomics as a segment of mega European economic system.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze different points of view regarding the concepts of economic security of the state.

Methods. Causal method, methods of analysis and synthesis of historical and logical methods.

Results. The economic security providing is the main topic of the article. Comprehensive analysis of modern and former views on the given question was conducted in its historical transformation. Various approaches of determining economic security were considered. The best model of ensuring the economic security was offered for Ukraine. The need of close cooperation of Ukraine with the European Union was proved.

Originality. It was determined that the choice of models providing economic security should be determined according to the stages of development. Detailed classification of the stages of development of countries in violation of the objective economic laws and mechanisms of influence on the management of economic and financial systems criminogenic factors is offered.

Conclusion. The issues of economic security are considered at the macroeconomic level. Attention focuses on the segment, sectoral approach in the study of the problem, which in turn makes it impossible for economies of European countries to fully prepare for the existing threats. In this connection, there is a need for further study of the issue especially in the context of macroeconomics as a segment of mega European economic system.

The question was researched considering stable social and political situation in the country as well as in the whole world. The research to provide economic security as the basis for national security was not carried out under conditions of social and political crisis, war.




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