Threats to economic security business hotel and restaurant business management


A. V. Moisiienko


Introduction. Globalization leads to interaction of economic and political systems. The value and role of tourism in our time for economic development of states meet the individual needs of the person, mutual social ties between the two countries can not be overstated. Therefore, the current stage of development of domestic tourism should be focused on expanding domestic tourism market. The solution of this problem is possible only with the help of provision of quality services for tourists, such as hotel and restaurant quality service.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to examine the threats to the economic activities of the hotel-restaurant business and the analysis of management solutions that minimize their negative impact.

Methods. The analysis, method of theoretical generalization, synthesis, monographic method.

Results. The problem of management decisions that would minimize the negative impact of threats to economic security of companies is investigated in the article. This issue is mostly ignored by home scientists, so it is urgent for further study. The purpose is to analyze scientific works on this issue and to offer an effective mechanism for managing threats. It is important to identify threats before providing economic security of hotel and restaurant business, and clearly understand their potential impact. Economic security of hotel and restaurant business requires an integrated approach and includes the provision of information, personnel and financial security of the company and this was found out during the study. The article analyzes the gradual application of security measures and priority areas of the protection of hotel and restaurant business.

Originality. A stepwise mechanism of the threat management in hotel and restaurant business is offered. The necessity of using a systematic approach for solving complex security problems is grounded. A list of tasks to perform which should be targeted security measures, that are developed and implemented at the hotel is established.

Conclusion. The author came to the conclusion that every entity needs the permanent system that encompasses different forms and methods that ensure the safety of customers, staff and business enterprise.

When providing hotel and restaurant security it is important to identify threats activity, and clearly understand their potential impact. In the next stages of administrative decisions constant control and monitoring will identify which security measures are effective and which are not appropriate to waste material and financial resources.

Available threats arising from the different types of interactions, suggest that in the current conditions for security, both customers and hotel and restaurant enterprises, individual measures and actions do not succeed. There is a need in permanent system that encompasses the diversity of forms and methods to ensure the safety of customers, staff and business of the enterprise. Since the management of threats to economic security of the hotel and restaurant business remains little studied, there is an objective which need for further detailed study of these issues.




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