The approaches to the strategic management of machine-building enterprises


N.M. Polyova


Introduction. The relevance of the chosen topic is that overall selection and implementation of the strategy involves interconnected set of actions aimed at strengthening the long-term competitiveness of the company compared with competitors. With a choice of strategies related the plans for research and other forms of innovation developing. Therefore, special attention should be paid to strategic planning and innovation planning, which is now the weakest point for the majority of Ukrainian machine-building enterprises.

Purpose of the article is the key approaches to strategic and innovative management of machine-building enterprises identifying.

Methods. The analysis, method of theoretical generalization, synthesis, monographic method.

Results. The main approaches to the strategic management of machine-building enterprises, allocation of common functions performed by the strategic and innovation management in the process of enterprise management are found out. It is justified an integrated approach to strategic and innovative management, which establish a link between technology and other non-technological areas of business enterprises, and become the methodological basis for the implementation of new technologies.

Originality. Scientific novelty of research results is in justification integrated approach to strategic management and innovation, which will establish the relationship between technology and other non-technical areas of business enterprise and become the methodological basis of new technologies. Theoretical and practical significance of the study is in proving the allegation that the output of the development of new technologies out of production and functional management levels to the corporate management level will increase the role of innovation in the overall system of management. Inclusion of the innovation strategy –into the to-wide policies and strategies will promote the transformation of innovative development of the strategic goal of the whole entity and will not be seen as separate functional task of production and business unit or business units that are part of the company any more.

Conclusion. Thus, based on the selected functions performed by strategic and innovation management in the management of the enterprise, taking into account the transformation in the theory and practice of management research and development approaches, and based on the current trends of the growing influence of new technologies, we can conclude that in the economic environment there are external conditions and internal orientation for the development of relations and deepening cooperation between the two named types of management.




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