Innovative approaches to construction of economic security service of the enterprises


G.B. Sichyokno


Introduction. In today's competitive environment generated by processes of globalization, "the shadow" of national economies and other features of the domestic market economy system of economic security that operate on most domestic companies are not able to timely predict the consequences of the economic crisis, its power and scope. Existing economic security units that were yet developed in previous years, were unable to always provide adequate and timely counteracting new challenges, dangers and threats. It is necessary to modify the organization of these units, ensuring active implementation of innovation on economic security.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to outline some innovative approaches to building economic security service of domestic enterprises in the current economic conditions that are associated with the processes of globalization, "the shadow" of national economies and other features of a market economy in Ukraine.

Methods. The analysis, method of theoretical generalization, synthesis, monographic method.

Results. In the article a separate innovative approaches to formulation of economic security service of the domestic enterprises in up-to-date economic conditions, which are connected with the processes of world economy globalization, "shadow" national economy and features of market relations in Ukraine, are considered.

Originality. Today, modern service of economic security, which would have constituted the basis of an effective system of economic security is almost impossible to build without active innovation. Innovative solutions can relate to, first, organizational structure and management of economic security, its functions, tasks, technologies, forms and methods of its work to counter external and internal threats and threats. The author outlining some innovative approaches to building economic security service of domestic enterprises in these economic conditions, particularly in determining its organizational structure, core functions, priorities and areas of innovation. In the future, require further in-depth study separately each of these areas of innovation service Economic Security.

Conclusion. In the current economic conditions that are associated with the processes of globalization, "the shadow" of national economies and other features of a market economy in Ukraine, innovation is the basis of competitiveness. Introduction of innovative technologies in the field of economic security is a complex process. It requires the creation of organizational and legal framework for the regulation of these activities, effective planning and use of all their enterprise resources, especially intellectual, legal, financial and logistical.




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