Conceptual approaches to interpretation of the category of "uncertainty" in the economic safety industrial enterprises


O.M. Tulub


Introduction. The effectiveness of the economic security of business entities of the system depends on competent management of threats, risks and dangers they face in the course of its operation. The basis of this management is the correct identification of the destabilizing factors, which include the category of 'uncertainty'. That it is a source of parametric data, as well as the properties of the medium of functioning of an economic entity that is the cause of her research.

Purpose. The aim of the study is to clarify the concept of uncertainty category for economic entities, namely in the context of economic security of industrial enterprises; study approaches to the treatment of this category in terms of the views of different scholars in the field of economic security and risk management; offer the author's approach to the determination of the concept of uncertainty.

Methods. This article uses the following methods: formal-logical - for the determination of the uncertainty of the category in accordance with the proposed approach; comparative - to be able to determine the most fully describe the essence of the test categories, as well as to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the concept of uncertainty.

Results. The main result of the study is to identify and study approaches to the interpretation of the category of uncertainty for the economic security of industrial enterprises; critical analysis of the works of Russian scientists in the field of economic security and risk management.

Originality. The novelty of this study is the author's approach to the category of uncertainty, as the dualistic concepts, combines the properties of the environment of functioning of a business entity, as well as a source of destabilizing factor leading to threats, risks and dangers of the economic security of the enterprise.

Conclusion. Thus, uncertainty is a necessary and sufficient condition for risk. Because of the possibility of adverse results or situations of the enterprise should distinguish risk and uncertainty, because the risk is probability category destabilizing factor. This uncertainty is characterized by the probability of making the results or events cannot be set. It should be noted that the difference between risk and uncertainty is the fact that it relates to a method of information and determined by the presence (provided) or no risk (if uncertain) stochastic characteristics of uncontrolled variables. If it is possible to qualitatively and quantitatively determine the degree of probability of a phenomenon, event, process, then we can say that there is a risk.




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