Financial provision for higher education system in modern conditions


А.S. Chaplina


Introduction. In modern conditions effective to society can be achieved only with the high intellectual potential of the nation. A key place in his playing covers higher education. The main component element of the system is higher education institutions that address important issues of professional training, providing intellectual, moral, economic development of society and the individual. Successful completion of tasks institutions of higher education is not possible without sufficient financial support of their activities.

Purpose. The purpose and objectives of the article is to analyze the financial support of higher education in Ukraine and study possible directions of its improvement today. In view of the above the main objectives of the article is to analyze the financial resources of higher education, sources of and proposals for their optimization.

Methods. Generalization, ordering, causal method, expert method.

Results. In the article it was reviewed the theoretical basis of financial provision of higher education system, given the structure of sources of financing higher education. It was analysed financing of higher education and set main priorities for improving their financial provision.

Originality. Education funding problem solving education funding should be made by:

- Increasing competition in the field of research and development in schools by directing additional budget funds for the projects of research and development that will be selected on a competitive basis within the framework of the state scientific and technical programs, the state order for the creation of new technologies and grant funding;

- Optimization of the cost of scientific educational institutions based on the results of certification based on independent assessment of research results, personnel and logistical capacity;

- Delineation of functions of the administrative and educational management in the budget of educational institutions;

- Use of economic incentives for businesses to implement their investment related to the provision of research and development in schools.

Conclusion. Ukraine market transformation of the economy contributed to the diversification of sources of financing of higher education in a combination of budget financing and commercial financing.

With growing role of non-budget funds important issue is the creation of scientific and industrial complexes that will promote the commercialization and dissemination of research results and innovation.




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