Theoretical approaches to the interpretation of the concept of information-analytical support of economic security of the business entities


I.V. Horyachkivska


Introduction. Building an effective system of economic security should be based on complete and accurate information basis. Thus, the question of the importance of information and analytical support of decision-making in the area of economic security is obvious. So there is a need to specify the nature of this concept from the standpoint of economic security. Purpose. The study aim is to clarify the concept of information-analytical support of the economic security of the entities. Methods. Monographic, theoretical generalization, systematization, analysis, synthesis. Results. The modern approach to the definition of information security and information and analytical support management decisions are analyzed. The expediency of the use of information and analytical support for the formation and operation of modern systems of economic security of domestic enterprises, institutions and organizations is grounded. Originality. The author gives her own vision of the information-analytical support of economic security of the business entities. A list of competencies that should have experts of economic security for the proper organization of information and analytical support of economic security of the business entities is offered. Conclusion. Thus, based on the theoretical approaches to the interpretation of the concept of information-analytical support of the economic security of business entities it was offered under the information-analytical support for the economic security of the entity to realize a set of actions aimed at finding, gathering and organizing information concerning threats to normal activity of the entity and risks in its work, and its processing mechanisms, such as assessment, inspection to obtain complete, objective and reliable data for rational management decisions on areas of effective economic security of business entity guarantee.




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