Main Article Content
In the conditions of modern market relations, employees of organizations are required to maximize returns. Accordingly, for this they must be motivated, able to satisfy their social and physiological needs. The article highlights the concept of «motivation» as an economic category (the process of inducing people to work, which involves the use of motives for human behavior to achieve personal goals or the goals of the organization) and its main tasks are presented. Motivation is considered as a process, and several successive stages are highlighted in it; features of the types of motivational climate are indicated. Foreign experience in reforming the system of training and retraining of personnel is analyzed, it is indicated that the sustainable development of modern companies in the conditions of fierce competition is impossible without reforming the system of training and retraining of personnel. The main requirements that are presented to managers of all levels at the present stage (professional competence; the availability of general training in the field of management; knowledge of the engineering and technology of modern production; knowledge of the theory of economics, law, pedagogy and psychology; mastery of administrative skills; the ability to independently accept reasonable strategically correct decisions and strive for their implementation; a sense of new, the ability to anticipate trends in the development of the company taking into account changes in the external environment and market conditions; the ability to manage people). Based on a review and critical analysis of literary sources, the paper proposes ways to strengthen the labor motivation of personnel (improving the quality of general management, improving the quality of managing personnel at middle and lower levels of internal management, improving professional skills and quality of work of employees). The objective conditionality of the practical implementation of the organization of continuous systematic training of the enterprise personnel has been proved, which, in turn, requires appropriate reform of the organizational, methodological and informational support of the internal company training and retraining system.
Article Details
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