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Anatolii PAVLIUK


Introduction. Global instability and threats to the territorial integrity of Ukraine determine the relevance of the study of international cooperation and its potential, especially in the context of ensuring the peaceful coexistence of states, the development of economic relations to support the progress of human civilization.  Such studies are especially relevant for Ukraine, which has faced serious threats of external aggression. The challenges of the COVID-2019 pandemic have further increased the role of international cooperation. The year 2022, after the large-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine and the aggravation of other international conflicts  further proved the need for each state to have strong and reliable international partners, the need to unite their efforts in order to protect the values of sovereignty, democracy and freedom.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is deepening of the theoretical foundations of the study of the international cooperation potential to understand the possibilities of its formation, accumulation and development.

Methods of research: analysis, generalization, explanation – to determine the content of international cooperation and its potential; grouping – to highlight spheres and types of international cooperation, its features and challenges; structural and logical – to highlight the stages of research of the international cooperation potential; system analysis – to study the experience of international cooperation and identifying the mechanisms of its implementation.

Results. The essence of international cooperation, its main features and challenges in various spheres are determined. The main spheres and types of international cooperation are characterized, and its mechanisms are defined. The theoretical and methodological principles of researching the international cooperation potential and possible ways of improving it at the stage of development are substantiated.

Originality. The conceptual and terminological apparatus of the study of international cooperation with the definition of its features (vs challenges), principles, types, spheres and implementation mechanisms are improved. The definition of the international cooperation potential is formulated as the ability of the state, its institutional and integration representatives to mobilize and attract resources to the system of international relations and contacts to solve common problems and achieve development tasks. Indicators for researching the international cooperation potential and ways of its development are proposed, which makes it possible to combine various mechanisms for obtaining the economic power of the state in the global space.

Conclusion. Studies of international cooperation and its potential are necessary for the justification of the new world security architecture. The analysis of scientific sources about international cooperation confirmed the absence of a methodology for analysing its potential. Studying the international cooperation potential is relevant for every state in order to understand the possibilities of: mobilizing and attracting additional resources to the system of international relations; optimization of the consequences of international cooperation for solving problems and achieving set goals. The international cooperation potential has increased significantly for Ukraine due to external threats, and the presence of strong international partners is a condition for preserving territorial integrity and transitioning to progressive forms of international cooperation.

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