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Nataliia NOSAN


Introduction. The relevance of personnel management risks demonstrates the growing trend of the role of human factor in organizational development. Effective personnel management involves making personnel decisions, which are usually made in full or partial uncertainty. Variability of alternative measures to solve personnel issues and possible consequences for each alternative directly depends on the level of unpredictability of human behavior. Taking into account risks in the implementation of personnel policy is an important component of enterprise management, increasing its competitiveness and efficiency of economic activity.

Purpose. The research aims at substantiating the peculiarities of company's personnel policy formation on the basis of risk management at the current stage of national economy development.

Methods. There are used the following methods of scientific research: generalization (in studying the interpretation of «personnel risk» category); systematization (in characterizing the main groups of personnel risks and methods of their avoidance or use); modeling (in building a scheme for the step-by-step formation of company's personnel policy based on the principles of management).

Results. The study substantiates the essence of company's personnel policy in broad and narrow terms. The content and economic consequences of personnel risks for enterprise are determined, in particular from the standpoint of the dualistic content of risk (the probability of occurrence of both negative and positive consequences). The main personnel risks and the possibilities of their avoidance (receiving benefits) are considered according to the stages of company's personnel policy implementation separately for business entity and individual employees. Existing disadvantages of personnel management modern domestic model are singled out, which have a negative impact on enterprise management processes as a whole. A step-by-step model of company's personnel policy formation is proposed, taking into account the prospects for the occurrence of risk.

Originality. The main groups of risks and methods of their avoidance (using) in the process of implementing the company's personnel policy are characterized both from the company (employer) position and the employee position. There are supplemented risk management methods with a group of methods that take into account the positive consequences of risk, which allow identifying and maximizing possible benefits for the enterprise economic activity.

Conclusion. The modern domestic model of personnel management has certain disadvantages that negatively affect the management processes of enterprises as a whole. This requires some changes in attitude towards the employee as a strategic resource and driving force. The main personnel risks in management are considered. The measures for their avoidance (maximization of benefits) are proposed according to the stages of implementation of company's personnel policy in terms of the business entity and individual employees. The step-by-step implementation of company's personnel policy is characterized from the standpoint of using risk management.

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