Main Article Content
Introduction. The crisis state of a business entity most often arises due to the lack of financial resources or the inability to freely manage them and use them for such purposes, which are a priority for the enterprise at one or another moment of its activity and development. Therefore, the organizational structure of management should provide for effective financial management, the tasks of which will include: management of available resources and the search for new sources of financing current needs, development and implementation of the financial strategy of the organization's functioning, financial risk management, ensuring financial and economic security, anti-crisis management. The war intensifies and multiplies threats and challenges for the activities of enterprises, reduces the level of their financial security, leads to the emergence of new reasons for the unfolding of the financial crisis. Therefore, the management of economic security in the conditions of war and crises, especially in the financial sphere, is currently gaining special relevance in Ukraine.
Purpose. The study is aimed at substantiating the possibilities of using approaches and tools of financial management of the enterprise in managing its economic security in the conditions of crises and war.
Results. The impact of military actions on the economic situation in Ukraine, and therefore on the external environment of the enterprise's functioning, trends in which can disrupt the state of economic security of the business entity, is characterized. Internal and external causes of financial crises for Ukrainian companies are summarized. The peculiarities of the financial management of the enterprise in the period of crisis are determined, which will enable it to restore its own economic security in the short-term perspective in order to achieve the strategic guidelines of its functioning and development in the future.
Originality. It is proposed to focus the functioning of the enterprise's financial management system on a set of tasks such as: focus on preserving one's own financial resources, their balanced and rational use; combination of digitization and traditional forms of financial transactions; choosing passive strategies for work in financial markets (abstaining from investments, reviewing deposit programs, limiting (if possible) transactions with currency); increasing attention to financial risks, intensifying work on identifying new threats to the company's financial condition, assessing the likely financial consequences of challenges that appear in the process of spreading trends of crisis phenomena; transition to centralized financial management; ensuring the possibility of setting up continuous work in online mode. This management approach will make it possible to build such a subsystem of the company's financial security, which will be able to counteract the threat of a crisis even in war conditions, since business processes and their financial service will be as mobile and digitized as possible.
Conclusion. It is substantiated that financial management at the enterprise should be inextricably linked with the processes of managing financial and economic security and anti-crisis management. The task of financial management is to ensure that the economic entity has financial resources sufficient for its continuous profitable activity and the achievement of strategic goals of operation and development. The toolkit of financial management is designed to guarantee the company's compliance with financial discipline before state bodies and counterparties and partners, as well as timely identification of financial risks that may have a negative impact on the state of the company's economic security.
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