Main Article Content
Introduction. Challenges of danger, economic recession and population social vulnerability force the tourism industry of Ukraine to adapt to new conditions. An urgent task is to preserve the labor potential of the industry and focus on new requirements for its formation, which is necessary to maintain the socio-economic importance of tourism in the conditions of the war economy and post-war recovery.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is the scientific substantiation of new requirements for the formation of the labor potential of the tourism industry in instability conditions in the system of priorities of the tourism policy of Ukraine during the wartime.
Methods of research: theoretical methods of analysis, synthesis, abstraction – to identify challenges in the development of the tourism industry of Ukraine and their impact on the labor potential, generalization – to determine the new roles of the tourism industry of Ukraine in the war conditions, systematization – to determine measures to increase the attractiveness of tourism specialization in education, as well as current requirements to the staff of the tourism industry.
Results. The meaning and features of the formation of the industry's labor potential in instability conditions are disclosed in the article. The priorities of the tourism policy of Ukraine in instability conditions are determined. The new roles of the tourism industry in the structure of the war economy and during post-war recovery are characterized. Measures to preserve the economic activity of tourism business with involvement in social entrepreneurship and volunteering, stimulation of participation in international projects are proposed. The priorities for improving training and professional development of personnel of the tourism industry, which are focused on the future, are defined.
Originality. A triad of priorities of the tourism policy of Ukraine in instability conditions is proposed, which combines measures aimed at: a) defining new roles of the tourism industry in the structure of the war economy and during post-war recovery; b) preserving the possible economic activity of tourism business entities with involvement in social entrepreneurship and volunteering, stimulating participation in international projects; c) training and professional development of personnel for the industry, which are oriented towards the future, taking into account new requirements for the formation of labor potential. Considering the need to preserve the labor potential of the tourism industry of Ukraine and change the emphasis in its formation during the expected post-war recovery, current measures to increase the attractiveness of education in tourism specialization are indicated, which made it possible to single out the main requirements for the training of tourism personnel in instability conditions.
Conclusion. The tourism industry of Ukraine, despite the challenges of danger, economic recession and the growing population vulnerability, have to maintain its labor potential by adapting to new conditions and performing new roles in wartime. At the same time, state support for the industry in conditions of lack of budget funds should combine measures to preserve economic activity and support educational institutions in the training of personnel focused on the development of tourism in the conditions of the post-war recovery of Ukraine. The training of personnel for tourism should allow them to acquire extreme competences, project management skills, high digital literacy, as well as activities in tourism segments that are important for overcoming the long-term consequences of war (socially inclusive, military, recreational).
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