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Introduction. Effective management of the enterprise, especially in the conditions of competitive risks, involves the development of flexible strategies for its development in the medium and long-term perspectives or the determination of the future desired state of the enterprise, general, strategic and operational goals, resources necessary for their achievement, criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of management and control of production and financial results. In view of this, clarifying the goals of strategic management of the enterprise in conditions of competition becomes relevant in the theoretical and applied planes.

The purpose of scientific research is to identify and analyze the main goals of strategic management of an enterprise in conditions of competition and uncertainty.

Results. The article analyzes the main goals of strategic enterprise management in conditions of competition and uncertainty. Five interdependent tasks related to the creation and implementation of the company's strategy are considered. An analysis of approaches to determining key management strategies of business entities, such as the "strategic vision" and "mission" of the enterprise, was carried out. The main components of the mission of the enterprise are defined. The totality of the possible goals of the enterprise was studied in order to determine their application by the entrepreneurial structures of the sugar industry. The main strategic and financial goals of the enterprise have been specified and clarified.

Originality. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the development of a set of enterprise goals for determining their application by entrepreneurial structures of the sugar industry.

Conclusion. The process of strategic management begins with the formulation of the company's mission. In a broad sense, the mission is the philosophy and purpose, the meaning of existence of the business entity. In a narrow sense, a mission is a statement about what or why an enterprise exists, which distinguishes it from other business entities. The formulation of the mission is of great importance for the activity of the enterprise, as it is the basis for determining financial and strategic goals. It is quite difficult to assess the direct economic effect of the formulated mission, but the importance of this stage is also revealed in the fact that the mission helps to form and maintain a unified corporate spirit, serves as a basis for effective management of the enterprise, reduces the risk of making unfounded decisions and minimizes the probability of strategic mistakes by short-sighted management. The mission is developed for the company as a whole, individual enterprises, functional and operational divisions. The mission is chosen and formulated by the top management and employees of the business entity. Setting goals transforms the strategic vision and development direction of the enterprise into specific tasks related to production and the results of its activities. Goals are the commitment of the management apparatus of the enterprise to achieve certain results at a certain time. They explain exactly how much, what, and by what time it needs to be done. They focus attention and resources on what needs to be achieved in the future.

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