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Volodymyr YATSENKO


Introduction. The article examines the theoretical and methodological principles of the functioning of the tourist services market at the national and regional levels, analyzes its dynamics and structure in Ukraine and the regions, reveals the main trends in the development of the tourism industry, and also develops measures that will contribute to improving the quality of tourism and the effective use of tourism potential to improve the domestic market of tourist services.

Purpose. In the conditions of modern globalization, tourism has become one of the most dynamically developed and most profitable spheres of economy in many countries of the world. An important aspect, without which the constant development of tourism is impossible, is the effective functioning of the tourist services market. It is under such conditions that there is a need for an in-depth study of the functioning mechanisms of both foreign and domestic tourism in order to bring the latter to a sufficient level of market competitiveness. Increasing the volume of international tourist flows in the world, ensuring the maximum efficiency of tourist activity increase the relevance of the problem of the market of tourist services in Ukraine, individual regions, and tourist enterprises on the international, national, and regional tourist markets.

Results. The current state and trends in the development of the tourist market in Ukraine, the relationship with the main providers of tourist services, the state of demand for the services of tourist enterprises, the degree of participation of state institutes in the management of tourism activities, and the main directions for improving its state regulation have been studied.

Originality. The methodical principles of the formation of the target function of the socio-economic policy of the state in the field of tourism activity are proposed on the basis of the selection of the most important and accessible directions of its regulation, the creation of a modern system of training and professional development of personnel in the field of tourism.

Conclusion. The market of tourism services in Ukraine has the potential for further growth and development, and with a balanced approach it can become an important industry sector of the country's economy. For this, it is necessary to continue to expand the range of tourist programs and tours, to improve their content and quality of service, as well as to actively promote these offers on the international market. The growth of the infrastructure, the development of the hotel and restaurant business, as well as the improvement of the level of service will contribute, in our opinion, to the improvement of the reputation of Ukraine as a tourist destination. First of all, it is important to maintain stability and security in the country in order to attract foreign tourists.

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