Introduction. The article formulates the conceptual principles of harmonization of regional economic interests of cluster formation in Ukraine, examines their components and features of each component. The principles of innovation cluster policy and its role in harmonizing the economic interests of participants in economic relations are substantiated. Formulated directions that should be prioritized for the management of the interests of cluster formation, among which the important role is given to the potential of cluster formation and the construction of strategies for economic development of territories.
The purpose of the article: to formulate conceptual principles of harmonization of regional economic interests of cluster formation in Ukraine.
Methods used in the article: theoretical analysis and synthesis of the test material, scientific abstraction, social and qualitative research methods.
Results. Ensuring the harmonization of the economic regional space in the open economic system and in the conditions of creation of the interregional economic space has determined the urgency of the formation of conceptual foundations of regional development management on the basis, first, of a single vector of economic interests of participants in the economic space of the region, and secondly, economic dynamism and adaptability, thirdly, the permanence of the transformation of economic processes.
To form the basics of management, one should start with monitoring and researching the interests of cluster formation, which can be positive and negative and manifest as an appropriate relation to the activation of the clusterization process. It is important to analyze all economic interests of the participants of the regional economic system and market relations in order to determine the priorities of the development of a particular region and the preconditions for the formation of those or other interests.
The study of economic interests continues to form the basis for harmonizing the interests of cluster formation and will answer the question: Are the participants of the regional economic space ready to define harmonization as a promising direction for the development of the region? The policy development of clustering is based on qualitatively implemented previous actions and is aimed at taking concrete steps to achieve a unified vector of economic interests and reduce their conflict..
The originality is the formation of an optimal model of cluster regional economic development, including the issue of stimulating interregional economic space. Cluster policy provides an updated approach to understanding the development of competitive relations, bringing them to a qualitatively new level. The interregional economic space that is being formed today, on the one hand, provides more opportunities for the realization of interests, on the other - creates new, more rigid conditions for competition.
Managing the interests of harmonization of regional economic development is a further component of the conceptual framework for managing regional economic development on the basis of harmonization of interests of cluster formation. At this stage of implementation of the conceptual foundations of the economic development of the region, it is important to realize that the management should be aimed not at clusters, participants, interregional economic space, etc., but in ensuring the long term of the regional idea of harmonization through harmonization and a unified orientation of economic interests.
The evaluation of the effectiveness of the model of cluster regional development is proposed to be implemented using the latest scientific methods and approaches, since this component is the most responsible. Each individual component and all components in the complex must substantiate the effectiveness of the application of the model of regional economic development on the basis of cluster formation and, first of all, how it will take into account the interests of the participants of economic relations and the efficiency for each of them.
Conclusion. Harmonization and ensuring the realization of the economic interests of the participants in economic relations is one of the priority tasks of the policy of economic development of the region. Formation of the conceptual foundations of such management is a complex multifaceted process, each component of which must, firstly, ensure the fulfillment of the set goal, and secondly, take into account the dynamism and instability of the economic system. Under these conditions, the choice of approaches to assessing the effectiveness of the model deserves special attention. It should be based on classical economic approaches, but have a new direction that takes into account the peculiarities of a modern dynamic, nonlinear economic system that is prone to transformation, while at the same time providing comprehensive, evaluation, planning and forecasting of future states.
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