


Introduction. The author shows how to apply an interdisciplinary approach to economics. "Interdisciplinary field" and "trade zone between disciplines" are represented as phenomena. Phenomenology has certain common history of application both with economics and theory of interdisciplinarity. Some explanations regarding the possibility of treating "trade zones between disciplines" as phenomena that constitute the essence of problems related to innovative development of science are examined. Modern university is considered as the most favorable place for carrying out researches connected with interdisciplinary economics.

Purpose. The aim of the work is to study the peculiarities of relationship that exist between economics, phenomenology and interdisciplinarity.

Methods. Methods used in the article: deduction, induction, scientific abstraction.

Results. By theoretical analysis of National and foreign researches works, we found that there exist clear and strong connection between economics, interdisciplinarity and phenomenology. Use of such complex methodology can open new productive perspectives connected with real world problems. Integration of academic disciplines can answer difficult questions that have economic character. New knowledge that manifests itself as combination of terminology, concepts and theories has important value for different stakeholders.

Originality. Application of interdisciplinary theory to economics can create extra value for economic knowledge. Multiple areas of knowledge and multiple actors, trade zones, innovativeness, integration of knowledge domains related to interdisciplinary work. By observing real phenomena we can reveal and describe problems from multiple scientific perspectives. Creation of productive and efficient integrative methodology strongly related to problem solving and development at micro level.

Conclusion. Creation of valuable knowledge is an important issue as it leads to increased productivity and innovation. Solving problems of the real world and fulfillment of social order largely depends on the ability to recognize the need for change. The application of interdisciplinary approach to economics with an aim to study reality phenomena will create a new perspective and improve current situation vision. Looking at phenomena from multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary perspective can lead to different innovation activities. There is a need to show how creation of innovation is related to this approach. It is also important to identify the extent of interdisciplinary cooperation between professionals. Thus, the construction of interdisciplinary research groups is a dominant factor.




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