Introduction. The current state of the pricing policy of the education industry directly depends not only on the quality of the provision of educational services, but also on the peculiarities of the social situation of territorial communities and public policy as a whole. The reform of the education system in Ukraine involves the introduction of autonomy of educational institutions. At the same time, it should be noted that in order to establish financial autonomy, it is necessary to search for additional sources of financing. Increasing competition in the educational sector requires institutions to implement priorities in strategic development - to formulate an effective pricing policy for educational services. An important prerequisite of this process is the attraction of resources through additional educational services, or through savings on utility bills, etc.
Sustainability of the national economy and social development of Ukraine depends on improving the energy efficiency of the country, and requires consistent implementation not only of a long-term state strategy in this area, but also the development and coordination of effective mechanisms of interaction between energy sector participants and energy consumers. At the same time, the implementation of energy efficiency targets is possible thanks to the program-based method, which is one of the components of the financial management system. The purpose of the development is to concentrate the resources of economic entities and build a unified system of energy efficiency management and to coordinate efforts of both state and regional authorities, local self-government, institutions, etc., which is relevant to the research topic.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the factors-destimulators of managing the energy efficiency of educational institutions as a basis for shaping their competitiveness.
Results. The article deals with the basic conditions of formation of competitiveness of educational institutions taking into account the peculiarities of the social situation of the regions. The attention is focused on the expediency of introducing a program-based method of management in the educational sphere, developing and coordinating effective mechanisms of interaction between energy sector participants and energy consumers as a direct influence on the financing of educational activities. Results The article deals with the basic conditions of formation of competitiveness of educational institutions taking into account the peculiarities of the social situation of the regions. The attention is focused on the expediency of introducing a program-based method of management in the educational sphere, developing and coordinating effective mechanisms of interaction between energy sector participants and energy consumers as a direct influence on the financing of educational activities.. The difference between the quality assurance system of higher education from the Ukrainian system and the necessity of introducing a comprehensive approach from the standpoint of a single energy space, systematic purposes and objectives as a lever to influence the demographic and economic indicators of the state as a whole is determined. The difference between the quality assurance system of higher education from the Ukrainian system and the necessity of introducing a comprehensive approach from the standpoint of a single energy space, systematic purposes and objectives as a lever to influence the demographic and economic indicators of the state as a whole is determined.
Originality. The main factors of dependence of the distribution of financing between the subjects of educational activity on the geographical location of higher education institutions and the average indicator of the cost of training of educational recipients, their influence on the pricing of the cost of educational service are investigated. It is proposed to refine the cost method of calculating the cost of education, because in addition to saving the budget, there are no qualitative changes in the educational cluster. The feasibility of participation of educational institutions in energy efficiency improvement projects is considered as one of the priorities for reducing the cost of educational services. The practical significance of the results of the study is to identify opportunities for increasing the competitiveness and autonomy of budgetary institutions.
Conclusion. It is concluded that the issue of the distribution of finances between educational institutions is an integral part of the quality assurance system of higher education and necessitates a detailed analysis, taking into account the unified system of energy efficiency management and coordination of efforts of state and regional authorities, local self-government, institutions, etc. The outstanding issue is the refinement of the cost method of calculating the cost of training, so that each HEI can make its own decisions, regardless of regional location, based on a comprehensive approach from the standpoint of a single energy space.
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