


Introduction. There are different academic approaches to definition and delineation of services sectors that cover tourism, accommodation and restaurant area. There are so strong links between some of these sectors that they often conglomerate separate groups, which are been considered to be independent industries (in particular, tourism, hospitality At the same time, the hotel and restaurant industry are treated both separate industries and components of tourism or hospitality. The scientists point out the problem of a formation of industry structure of services sector.

Purpose. The purpose of the research is to identify theoretical and methodological approaches (conceptual principles and criteria) for definition and delineation of tourism, accommodation and restaurant industry aggregations of services sector of Ukraine.

Results. The modern theoretical and methodological approaches of industry structure formation of services sectors are generalized. Deficiencies in defining the basic conceptual principles and criteria for delineation sectoral groups in national regulatory framework have been identified. It is established that in domestic regulatory base there is no clear definition of certain criteria (for the tourism and accommodation sectors - technology, processes and resource; for the restaurant sector - services).

Originality. The conceptual principles and criteria for definition and delineation of tourism, accommodation and restaurant industry aggregations of services sector of Ukraine are reveal. It is suggestion to use this methodological approach to clear unanimous definition and delineation of industry groups and sectoral complexes (which are linked to tourism, accommodation and restaurant services sector of Ukraine) that providing an opportunity for progressive changes, impact on the development of industries, for effective management of the activities of enterprises in their environment.

Conclusion. Services sector constitutes the engine of economic growth. It is impacted by tourism, accommodation and restaurant industry aggregations. But there are so versatile links between these that there is not any invariable, permanent industry structure. The application of modern approaches to the sectoral structure formation has provided an opportunity to identify gaps in the domestic regulatory documents regarding the established criteria for the sectoral restriction of tourism, accommodation and restaurant industry aggregations. This representation of information provides new opportunities for economic development at country and enterprise level in the context of modern trends.




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