Introduction. The problem of rural social regeneration has grown into a national task in view of the constant reduction of the resource potential of the agricultural sector of the economy and the threat to the country's food security.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to research the current state of socio-economic development of rural territories in order to find directions for solving the problems of village revival as a guarantor of the country’s food security.
Research methodology. In the basic theoretical and methodological construction of the research is the general scientific methods of scientific knowledge, as well as the interdisciplinary scientific research’s basis, institutional methodologies. The methodological basis of the developed problem composes the scientific experience of foreign and domestic scientists.
Applied aspects of the problematic discussion are based on the knowledge systematization on determining the institutional priorities for the revival of the Ukrainian village and the socio-economic effects of its development as a particular economic entity. The usage of the methodological apparatus of the institutional (institutional) theory made it possible to identify features and determine the organizational effectiveness of the “rules of the game” established by the state and the market, which ensured the approval of the existing typological complex of family farming in Ukraine as the basis for the revival of rural settlements. Economic calculations made it possible to methodically substantiate aspects of the current state affairs, to determine the potential dynamics and to characterize the prospect of the family farming development as a special model of rural management.
Results. The institutional specifics of the Ukrainian village’s revival are theoretically and methodologically substantiated. Moreover, the government of Ukraine has the opportunity to mitigate the negative socio-economic phenomena that occur in rural areas. It is proved that the main reason for the villages’ extinction of is demographic.
The world tendencies and the global tradition of presenting family business in rural areas with the comparison of the practice of the national economic complex, as well as the identification of specific institutional and legal support are considered.
The modern conditions of development, the institutional support factors for the peasants’ employment in Ukraine, the basics of the formation of its organizational and economic model are analyzed.
It has been established that, due to highly efficient machinery, land cultivation no longer requires millions of workers, and where necessary, hired labor of seasonal workers, often foreign ones, is used. Thus, the corresponding rural areas lose the economic basis of existence, and, refusing, adapt to changes, migrating to cities and outside Ukraine.
Originality. It has been established that the problem of the revival of the Ukrainian countryside and rural territories is not a purely Ukrainian problem, but a European-wide trend. Caused by deep economic and technological factors, it cannot be stopped by any national government. That is why, the solution to the problem of revival involves bringing to this the forces and energies of all subjects of the country. There is a necessity to inform the society about the essence of the problem and the way to solve it, that is, to form the village revival’s ideology. We are talking about changes in the socio-economic structure, so this requires a large-scale outreach and advocacy.
Conclusions. The results of the study can be used to develop legal norms of institutional incentives of solving the problem of the revival of the Ukrainian village through the development of family farming as the basis for the formation of a new country’s social structure. The usage of provisions of scientific discourse in research activities on the problems of socio-economic revival of the village is the priority.
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підпис П.І.Б. автора
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