Introduction. The development of organic production in Ukraine is quite relevant today because of a number of obvious environmental, economic and social benefits inherent in this area of activity, as well as the growing demand for organic products in the world each year.
In the system of modern market relations, domestic agrarian organic enterprises are increasingly in need of marketing support, where commercial activity, study of the organic produce market, improvement of its quality and sales management play an important role. Also people's needs are quite variable, especially in today's world, with each subject having its own needs, which are not always met.
Purpose. The purpose of the scientific article is to define the features of the current state and tendencies of development of the world market of organic products and, in this context, formulating the prospects for the development of organic production in Ukraine.
Results. It is revealed that in the conditions of the modern development of society the tendencies towards the consumption of environmentally friendly and high-quality products have increased, which has increased the level of demand for organic products. It also contributed to the growth of organic production, as evidenced by the growth of land used for organic farming. The countries of the leading producers of organic products in the world and Europe, as well as Ukraine's place in this rating, are identified. According to FiBL-AMI, Ukraine's share of the European organic produce market in 2018 was only € 29 million. and is ranked 28th in the ranking, respectively. While the share of leaders is: Germany - 10, 040 billion euros, France - 7.921 billion euros.
Originality. The methodical aspects of investigation the the market for high-quality organic products in Europe and in Ukraine have been further developedon the basis of analizing of organic markets in different countries, and their dependence from the volumes of agricultural lands used under organic production. It gives the opportunity to substantiate the advantages and disadvantages of organic production, identify the main threats and opportunities for further development.
Conclusion. Therefore, domestic organic producers need to carefully monitor changes in the domestic and foreign markets, analyzing above all the most profitable directions and trends that should be developed for export. The characteristics of organic production marketing are determined by the peculiarities of markets, demand, supply and prices in the agribusiness system. Studies show that the current challenges of European integration, associated with the loss of traditional markets for agri-food products in Ukraine and the search for new ones, have forced a number of agricultural producers to partially reconstruct production facilities at their own or invested costs [6; P. 26], as well as switch to energy-efficient and environmentally friendly production. After all, the structural changes that have taken place in the minds of modern society have determined the demand for certain products and services, the consumer tendency towards organic products.
Therefore, the prospects for further scientific research are to substantiate a system of tools and measures to increase the capacity of the internal market for high-quality organic products, to develop the production and certification of organic enterprises, to promote the practice of promoting healthy nutrition.
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