


Introduction. Excessive openness and weak resilience of Ukraine's economy to the manifestation of externalities requires the formation of a more effective state structural policy as a basic tool for systemic change in the national economy. The complexity of this policy involves a wide range of approaches and measures, including non-standard, to address strategic and operational challenges, which is accompanied by additional risks. At the same time, the risks affecting the deepening of structural deformations of the national economy of Ukraine are both a manifestation of constant changes in global market conditions and the presence of internal hidden vestiges stemming from the old traditional ways of organizing economic relations based on process thinking, anticompetitive principles, corruption, etc.
Purpose. Research of the essence of structural policy, definition of principles of its formation and realization, and also realization of classification of its types.

Results. Approaches to the interpretation of the concept of state structural policy are studied. It was found that the most popular is the mechanistic approach, where structural policy is seen as a tool of state regulation. Foreign experience on the nature of implementation and strategic guidelines of the state structural policy is analyzed. It is determined that structural policy in other countries is seen as a key means of transition from one type of development of society to another, more progressive. Substantiated determinants of state structural policy, on the example of revolutionary and evolutionary policy, allow us to determine a list of methods and measures to stimulate the development of the national economy.
Originality. The conditions of formation and functioning, flexible and effective system of state regulation of economic processes in the country are investigated. The author's definition of the state structural policy is presented, which reflects the principles of sustainable development of the national economy. The determinants of the state structural policy in accordance with its types and approaches to the organization of development are substantiated. It is proposed to classify the types of structural policy according to the following criteria: by the nature of changes (radical and inertial), by directions of transformations (vertical and horizontal), by the scale of implementation (general and selective). The basic principles of formation and implementation of the state structural policy that determine its effectiveness are determined, namely: dualism, utilitarianism, historicism, laissez faire.
Conclusion. The paradigm of the state structural policy of any country is based on the platform of opportunities for administrative influence on the economic environment with adaptability to economic realities and its regulation in accordance with certain imperatives. However, the instruments of this regulation are of a directive and indicative nature, which may outline the priority of the current government and the degree of state influence on the spheres and branches of activity. In general, the state structural policy is polysystemic in nature, as it is implemented through fiscal, monetary, industrial, agricultural, social, innovation, investment and other policies to achieve the strategic goals of the state.
Thus, structural policy as the main lever of state regulation should provide system-forming and compensatory effects in the national economy, its resistance to negative exogenous and endogenous factors, improve the investment climate and macroeconomic indicators, improve the system of reproduction and self-organization of the economic complex.




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