Among the priority issues that need to be addressed is the issue of quality training of civil servants. Since most developed European countries have significant positive experience in training specialists in public administration and civil service, it is worth paying attention to the peculiarities of vocational training in countries where the key role of the state in effective organization of professional development of government personnel has led to successful socio-economic development. Peculiarities of the formation and functioning of the civil service in countries of different state systems and practices of training civil servants are largely determined by the special development of these states. It is established that the French public service is one of the most stable and organized in the world, and therefore is a benchmark for the organization and implementation of civil service relations for the modern state. The system of public administration of the Republic of Poland is formed on the example of the public service of France, in addition, Poland is one of the closest neighbors of Ukraine, and also became an example in the decentralization reform for our country. After analyzing the foreign experience of training qualified civil servants, we came to the conclusion that it can be grouped into three concepts: 1) the concept of specialized training; 2) the concept of multidisciplinary learning; 3) a concept that is focused on the individual. Analyzing research and international practices, we agree with theorists who define three dominant models: English (a combination of business and public administration), German (based on legal education, which is complemented by training and education in the system of advanced training for civil servants lower levels) and French (provides for a state-centralized system of training a small highly qualified elite, provided by the National School of Public Administration).
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